
Air, Freight News

Emirates SkyCargo marks fruitful year with Emirates Fresh

[ May 17, 2018   //   ]

Emirates SkyCargo has recorded a successful year of transporting perishables with Emirates Fresh- the air cargo carrier’s specialized portfolio of solutions for air-freighting different kinds of perishable cargo across its network of over 155 destinations.

In the 12 months since the launch of Emirates Fresh in April 2017, Emirates SkyCargo has transported close to 400,000 tonnes of perishables under the three different Emirates Fresh service categories. Emirates Fresh is the basic offering to transport general perishables such as fruits and vegetables that have a high temperature tolerance. Emirates Fresh Breathe provides ventilated cool chain solutions for delicate perishables such as fresh cut flowers, and Emirates Fresh Active provides intensive cool chain protection for perishables that cannot withstand any temperature deviation.

Fruits and vegetables were the largest category of perishables transported by Emirates SkyCargo. In the last year, the air cargo carrier transported over 150,000 tonnes of fruits and vegetables globally. More than a fifth of the total volume of fruits and vegetables carried on Emirates SkyCargo were exported from India. Nearly half of the fruits and vegetables from across the world were imported into the
UAE, which has a thriving international food scene catering to a large expatriate population. With the onset of the export season for mangoes from the Indian subcontinent and the start of Ramadan, Emirates SkyCargo will be going through one of its busiest seasons in the year for transport of perishables from May 2018 onwards.

Emirates SkyCargo also transported over 65,000 tonnes of seafood and close to 60,000 tonnes of meat in the past 12 months. The air cargo carrier transports items such as salmon from Norway to East Asia, seafood from South Africa and Uganda to Europe and premium meat from Melbourne to the Middle East. It carried close to 25,000 tonnes of meat exports from Australia and New Zealand.
