
Feature, Freight News, Sea

Global Shipping Responds to Seized Aries

[ May 3, 2024   //   ]

The global ocean shipping industry is calling for release of crews from two vessels seized by Houthis and Iran authorities during an outbreak of attacks on seafarers in the Red Sea region.
International Maritime Organization Secretary General Arsenio Dominguez on April 23 called for release of the crews of the MSC Aries and Galaxy Leader, essentially expanding the chorus following a joint industry letter to the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres calling for assistance following the seizure of the Aries, a 149,525 dwt Portuguese-flagged container ship, on April 13.
“International shipping must not be targeted and used as a means of exerting pressure in geopolitical crises,” Dominguez said. “And I call on you here to continue your efforts to return to normalcy and for ships and seafarers to continue doing their work without threats and interruptions.”
The 15,000-TEU MSC Aries and its crew were seized by Iranian authorities on April 13. Iran’s foreign ministry said the ship was seized for “violating maritime laws, and that the vessel was linked to Israel,” according to Reuters.
“The vessel was diverted into Iran’s territorial waters as a result of violating maritime laws and not answering calls made by Iranian authorities,” spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said. Iran launched a barrage of missiles and explosive drones on April 13 in its first direct attack on Israeli territory, a strike that Tehran said was self-defense after the bombing of the consulate.
Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency reported that a Guards helicopter had boarded the MSC Aries and taken it into Iranian waters, Reuters reported.
MSC, which operates the Aries, confirmed Iran had seized the ship and said it was working “with the relevant authorities” for its safe return and the wellbeing of its 25 crew, Reuters said. MSC leases the Aries from Gortal Shipping, an affiliate of Zodiac Maritime.
The car carrier Galaxy Leader was seized in November 2023.
IMO’s legal committee is expected to finalize guidelines on the fair treatment of detained seafarers which will be passed onto an IMO-International Labor Organization working group to be considered further.

WSC Letter

Earlier in the month, 16 maritime industry associations and social partners co-signed an open letter to United National Secretary General António Guterres urgently calling for all member states to be formally reminded of their responsibilities under international law, and ask for every effort possible be brought to bear to release the seafarers and protect the safe transit of ships.
Signatory organizations were the World Shipping Council, Asian Shipowners’ Association, BIMCO, Cruise Lines international Association, European Community Shipowners’ Association, INTERMANAGER, INTERCARGO, INTERTANKO, International Association of Ports and Harbors, International Chamber of Shipping, International Federation of Shipmasters’ Associations, International Marine Contractors Association, International Maritime Employers’ Council, International Parcel Tankers Association, International Transport Workers’ Federation and The Federation of National Associations of Ship Brokers and Agents.
The letter’s contents:
“The maritime industry, represented by the organizations behind this letter, are grateful for the recognition that the UN Security Council and you personally have placed on the shipping industry and the importance of the free movement as set out in international law. We also thank and applaud IMO Secretary General Arsenio Dominguez for all the hard work raising the profile of shipping and our seafarers.
“However, the incident this weekend, when the vessel MSC Aries was seized by Iranian forces at 06.37 UTC – 50 nautical miles northeast of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates on Saturday 13 April, has once again highlighted the intolerable situation where shipping has become a target. This is unacceptable.
“We have seen a worrying increase in the attacks on shipping. Shipping is not a target with no victims. Innocent seafarers have been killed, seafarers are being held hostage. This would be unacceptable on land, and it is unacceptable at sea.
“The world would be outraged if four airliners were seized and held hostage with innocent souls onboard. Regrettably, there does not seem to be the same response or concern for the four commercial vessels and their crews being held hostage.
“Seafarers kept the world fed and warm during the pandemic with vital medicine, food and fuel delivered, irrespective of politics. Seafarers and the maritime sector are neutral and must not be politicized. It is the moral duty to protect seafarers.
“Shipping is a resilient industry, throughout history it has delivered trade in the face of the most overwhelming threats and circumstances.
“Given the continually evolving and severe threat profile within the area, we call on you for enhanced coordinated military presence, missions and patrols in the region, to protect our seafarers against any further possible aggression.
“The industry associations ask that all member states be formally reminded of their responsibilities under international law. And we ask that all efforts possible are brought to bear to release the seafarers and protect the safe transit of ships.”

ICS Response

In an April 13 statement, Guy Platten, secretary general of the International Chamber of Shipping, condemned the seizure of the MSC Aries as “a flagrant breach of international law and an assault on freedom of navigation. This reprehensible attack against a merchant ship once again places innocent seafarers on the front lines of geopolitical conflict.”
The ICS says ships transiting the region should conduct a thorough threat assessment and liaise closely with military forces to ensure they are fully protected against further possible aggression by Iranian forces.
ICS is the principal international trade association for merchant shipowners and operators, representing all sectors and trades and more than 80 percent of the world’s merchant fleet.

The 15,000-TEU MSC Aries was seized April 13 by Iranian authorities. PHOTO: MSC

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