
Freight News, Sea

Great Lakes Nets US$256M in Dredge Work

[ August 30, 2024   //   ]

Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corp., the largest U.S. provider of dredging services, said it has received several dredging awards totaling US$256.2 million.
Awarded work, cost, client and schedule start and completion:
• Mobile Harbor, Alabama Deepening and Widening – Phase 2A Dredging Project (Capital, Alabama, US$65.9 million). Deepens the channel by six feet to improve channel navigation and to allow deeper draft vessels use of the port. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District is the client. Work is expected to start in the fourth quarter with estimated completion in the spring of 2025.
• Port Everglades Sand Bypass Dredging Project (Capital, Florida, US$59.8 million). Provides a sustainable strategy for beach renourishment in Broward County, with a renewable local source of sand. Broward County is the client on the state and locally funded. Work to start in the second half of 2025 with estimated completion in 2026.
• Barnegat Inlet to Little Egg Inlet, Long Beach Island Beach Renourishment Project (Coastal Protection, New Jersey, US$54.4 million). Placing beach fill to repair the dune and berm system along the Atlantic Ocean coastline of Long Beach Island, New Jersey. This project has potential options of about US$63.8 million. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District, is the client, with work is expected to start in the fourth quarter with estimated completion in the third quarter of 2025.
• Fire Island Inlet Dredging Project (Coastal Protection, New York, US$52 million). Emergency beach fill and shore protection to multiple communities along Fire Island, New York. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, is the client for the federally funded work. Project expected to start in the fourth quarter with estimated completion in the first half of 2025.
• North Wildwood, New Jersey, Emergency Beach Renourishment Project (Coastal. Protection, New Jersey, US$14.8 million). To provide needed sand on the North Wildwood beaches to protect shore properties and ensure a safer shoreline. The New Jersey Department of Transportation is the client, with work awarded, performed and completed in the second quarter.
• St. Lucie Inlet Maintenance Dredging Project (Maintenance, Florida, US$9.3 million). Maintenance dredging of the entrance channel and impoundment basin. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, is the founder for the federally funded project. Work started in July with estimated completion later in the third quarter.
“In addition to the above awarded projects, Great Lakes has about US$318 million in low bids and options pending award, which includes two jobs that we were low bidder on this month. This brings our potential total pipeline of work to more than US$1.2 billion,” said Lasse Petterson, Great Lakes president and CEO.
Great Lakes owns and operates about 200 specialized vessels, and has experienced civil, ocean and mechanical engineering staff for estimating, production and project management functions.

Maintenance dredging in the St. Lucie Inlet in Florida will be completed in the third quarter, Great Lakes said. PHOTO: Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corp.
