
Business, Feature, Freight News, Sea

Innovative Alette Maersk Calls Pier 400

[ August 30, 2024   //   ]

The Alette Maersk, Danish shipping line A.P. Moller – Maersk’s new methanol-enabled containership, arrived Aug. 27 at Pier 400 in Los Angeles on its maiden voyage this August.
Pier 400 – one of eight APM Terminals locations globally taking part in a ground-breaking electrification pilot – is exploring the best use of technology and modern electric container handling equipment operations for reaching the group’s 2040 net zero vision.
In September, the terminal will receive two new fully electric auto straddle carriers and begin pilot work with its ILWU workforce to retrofit two hybrid auto straddle carriers to become fully electric. The retrofits are expected to pave the way for conversion of the entire fleet of Pier 400’s more than 130 auto strads from hybrid to full electric.
Compared with data from 2019 to last year, APM Terminals Pier 400 has achieved an almost 50 percent reduction in air pollutants and greenhouse gases produced by conventional container handling equipment, benefitting the environment and particularly communities in the surrounding area.
“As a critical node along the green corridor that is forming between Los Angeles and key cities in China, Pier 400 is one of the most environmentally advanced terminals in the United States, said Jon Poelma, APM Terminals Pier 400 managing director. “We are on track to achieve zero emissions in our operations ahead of the 2030 deadlines set forth in the Clean Air Action Plan.”

Maersk’s methanol-enabled containership, the Alette Maersk, arrived at Pier 400 in Los Angeles Aug. 27 on its maiden voyage. PHOTO: APM Terminals
