Freight News, Sea
Summer Gets Sweeter at Port of Philadelphia
[ June 25, 2020 // Gary G Burrows ]On Friday, June 19, nearly 4,000 tons of fresh fruit products from South Africa arrived in the Port of Philadelphia. The M/V Everest Bay, operated by Seatrade, docked at the Gloucester Marine Terminal in Gloucester City, NJ, and unloaded some 3,800 pallets of clementines and navel oranges, kicking off the start of the summer citrus season for local consumers.
“We are proud to continue this fruitful partnership with summer citrus providers in South Africa,” said Leo Holt, President and CEO of Holt Logistics, Operator of Gloucester Terminals, LLC. “Keeping our food supply chain robust and intact is of the highest concern for our staff and many partners. This arrival brings another source of fresh, affordable citrus to consumers in our region and beyond.”
The M/V Everest Bay left the port of Cape Town, South Africa on May 31, and began a 20-day journey to the Gloucester Marine Terminal. The vessel is carrying product from summer citrus providers in South Africa, a unique collaboration of citrus growers representing the western cape region. The service will continue with weekly calls at the Port of Philadelphia until October, the end of the summer citrus growing season.