

Statement from SC Ports Authority CEO Jim Newsome

On October 30, South Carolina Ports Authority president and CEO Jim Newsome issued the following statement on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announcing the second dredging contract award for Charleston Harbor Deepening Project: “The awarding of the second construction contract for dredging the Charleston Harbor Entrance Channel to 54 feet is tremendous news for South Carolina. This multi-year contract, in conjunction with the contract awarded in September, provides for the ... [+]

SCPA Posts FY Operating Earnings of $39M

South Carolina Ports Authority reports 2016 fiscal year-end operating earnings of $39 million, revenues of $211 million and operating expenses of $172 million. “The Port closed the FY2016 books with solid financials, reflecting our commitment to achieving the necessary performance to support our aggressive capital investment plan,” said SCPA Board Chairman ... [+]

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